Monday, May 30, 2011

Incorporating Fads or Trends in design

Recently I was thinking about adding a new line of buttons with fun little sayings on my Etsy shop, HappyDogButtons. This one is popular right now,  'Keep Calm and ...'. There are many variations and they are alot of fun, but I hesitate. Another line would be the Twilight series.

Do I incorporate a new design or line of items because they are popular? How much of that item do I make? You want to have enough product that someone will find something they like, but at the same time I don't want to end of with a large quanity that I have to end of selling at clearance.

How do you handle this? Do you only make what you love or try to incorporate the latest trend?

Leave me your ideas or take my poll on my facebook page, HappyDogButtons.


  1. When designing, I always incorporate trends that I think will last a while or predict trends that I foresee coming. I think it's always a great idea to make what you love but using trends is a must, especially in fashion.

  2. I look at trends a little differently because I make wedding jewelry, which tends to be fairly predictable. However, when I try something new I start in smaller quantities to see how it goes.

  3. If given a choice, I'd only make a few items. Many of my things take so long to complete, I'm not even thinking of doing more than one!

  4. I think it's a good idea - can you make them in small quantities? Like you say you don't want lots left over but keeping up with trends is important I think

  5. Your newest follower, take a look at mine.....

  6. I try to take the trends as they come, if they're here to stay or will be gone soon and create accordingly! That's always a question and a good one!

  7. Thank you everyone who took the time to leave a comment. I've decided to reward all of you with a free item from my shop. I'll be contacting you soon to see what you would like.
